Ruger GP100 357 Magnum, Brand new in stock. Cant wait to get yours? Order it online.

Always in stock, Home Defense and Tactical Shotguns

Combat style Camo Shotguns, Camo Hunting shotguns

Used Glocks for sale, most barely used from various Law Enforcement Agencies. Some with night sights. Stop in for yours.

Custom Built 7.62×39 AR, Our gunsmiths will build you your dream gun to your specifications. We carry AR accessories in stock for you.

Walther PK 380 Brand New waiting for a new home. Come adopt me!

Ruger 22 Charger Pistol

Ruger 22 Charger Pistol

Used Remington 770 .270Win w/scope $415.00

Sold – Come see our other AR Rifles in Stock or have one custom built.

Savage 110BA .338 Lapua w/Leupold Mark 4 8.5-25x50mm LR/T (54690) $4500.00 [/column]
Contact us today about our inventory.